Activating Authorization Success Event Publish Feature

By Kenan Sevindik

Spring Security publishes various authentication and authorization events during its security checks. Spring-managed beans which implement the ApplicationListener interface or beans with methods annotated with @EventListener can consume those events within the application. One of those security-related events is AuthorizedEvent, which indicates that a user request is allowed to access a secure web resource. It is, however, disabled by default.

In this post, I will try to explain how to activate publishing AuthorizedEvents whenever successful authorization occurs within your system. Authorization events are published by the FilterSecurityInterceptor bean, which is configured by Spring Security <http> element by default. It has a property setter, namely setPublishSuccessAuthorization(..), through which publishing authorization success events are activated. Unfortunately, Spring Security provides no way to pass a value to this property within the <http> element. There are, however, several ways to change this property value to true and let Spring Security publish events after successful authorization operations as well.

One way is not to employ the <http> element at all and configure the Spring Security filter chain and the FilterSecurityInterceptor bean via explicit bean definitions. However, we will lose the advantages of configuring the Spring Security filter chain via security namespace elements that way.

The other way is a lot easier. It also exploits Spring’s event mechanism itself. Here we keep the regular Spring Security namespace configuration, and only need to create a bean that handles Spring’s built-in ContextRefreshedEvent. When the Spring ApplicationContext is ready to use, the built-in ContextRefreshedEvent is fired, and we can perform a bean lookup for the FilterSecurityInterceptor bean, which is already defined via the <http> element. When we obtain that bean, it is only required to invoke setPublishSuccessAuthorization(..) to enable authorization success events. That’s all!

public class SecurityConfigurer {

	private ApplicationContext applicationContext;

	public void handle(ContextRefreshedEvent event) {
		FilterSecurityInterceptor fsi = applicationContext

	public void handle(AuthorizedEvent event) {

I hope you will like this approach and employ it in your projects whenever you need to activate publishing authorization success events within your system.

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