Kenan Sevindik

  • Acegi Security Extensions Project

    By Kenan Sevindik
    AcegiSecurityFramework for Spring is a highly popular enterprise security framework for web applications. It provides many authentication and authorization features of very high quality. With the use of Acegi, it is now a practical reality to be able to add security features to your system from the ground up without... [Read More]
  • Wiring a Bean with BeanReferenceFactoryBean

    By Kenan Sevindik
    For some reason or another, you may have more than one bean definition with the same type configured in your application context, and you may want to use only one of them based on some condition or configuration option. [Read More]
  • Accessing An Object Whose Class Is Already Loaded By Another ClassLoader

    By Kenan Sevindik
    Let’s assume you use the inter-ServletContext communication mechanism to transfer an Object created by one web application to another web application. In order to make this object fully available to your target web application, you must ensure that those two web applications use the same ClassLoader to load that object’s... [Read More]
  • Kurumsal Yazılım 2007’nin Ardından…

    By Kenan Sevindik
    Geçen hafta TBD tarafından Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi’nde düzenlenen 3 günlük Kurumsal Yazılım 2007 kongresine katıldım. Bu çalışmanın ardından organizasyon, sunumlar ve genel olarak dikkatimi çeken diğer noktalarla ilgili kısa yorumlarda bulunmak istiyorum. [Read More]
  • Object Kelimesinin Seçilmesi

    By Kenan Sevindik
    Kelimeler hiç şüphesiz düşüncelerimizi, hayal dünyamızı, algılarımızı şekillendiriyor. Fikir dünyamız için yeni açılımlar getirmede kolaylaştırıcı bir rol üstlenebiliyorlar, veya tam tersine düşüncelerimiz önünde zaman zaman engel olabiliyorlar. [Read More]
  • Run all TestNG tests with just one click inside Eclipse

    By Kenan Sevindik
    It can be a little bit annoying if you have looked around in Eclipse and tried to find a shortcut to run all of your tests using TestNG with one mouse click. One way of running TestNG tests is by creating a testng.xml file and defining tests in it. There... [Read More]
  • How to keep hackers informed about your users!?

    By Kenan Sevindik
    Application developers usually tend to be as specific as possible when providing information about unexpected errors that occur during runtime. Most of the time, this approach is good, but it may not be suitable for all use cases. The user login scenario is one of those exceptions. When a user... [Read More]
  • Finding Winning Matchups in Tennis and Software Development Teams

    By Kenan Sevindik
    I can say that tennis is a lifestyle for me. Watching and playing it for hours are really enjoyable activities. I try to improve my game by modeling tennis pros, taking their approaches to games as reference. I have just finished reading a book about tennis strategies, written by Glenn... [Read More]
  • Deployment Driven Development

    By Kenan Sevindik
    I had almost forgotten this type of software development after I started using lightweight J2EE technologies, like Spring, and Hibernate. Recently, however, I had to involve with a project, some part of it depends on EJBs! What is worse is that they were EJB 2.1. After trying mock approach with... [Read More]
  • How to Solve DTD Validation Problem When Parsing XML Files

    By Kenan Sevindik
    I think many people, including myself, mistakenly assume that setting the validation feature of an XML parser to false is sufficient to prevent exceptions when the DTD specified in an XML file is inaccessible. However, this is not the case. Even if validation is not requested, the XML parser still... [Read More]
  • Expect the Unexpected

    By Kenan Sevindik
    Yes, most of the time you should expect to find out the root causes of performance degradations in your system somewhere else other than your first guess. We have again experienced this rule during previous days. For some period, there was an obvious slowness in our web applications while our... [Read More]
  • My applet is signed, but I am still getting AccessControlExceptions!

    By Kenan Sevindik
    We are currently developing a solution that integrates applets and web applications together. Our solution includes a mechanism to notify applets when a user switches from a web page to a page that contains an applet. We provide this by explicitly invoking a method in applet via JavaScript when the... [Read More]
  • Some Thoughts About Constant Interface (Anti)Pattern

    By Kenan Sevindik
    I have recently restarted to read Effective Java Programming Language book written by Joshua Bloch. Actually, I had skimmed it several times before, but had no chance to cover it from beginning to end yet. I want to express some of my thoughts about Item 17: Use interfaces only to... [Read More]
  • Redirecting Users to Different Start Pages based on Their Roles

    By Kenan Sevindik
    In our project, there is a requirement such that some users may have to be redirected to different start pages based on roles assigned to them other than initially provided defaultTargetUrl. Actually, there is a similar discussion in Spring Framework’s forum, suggesting a solution to this issue with extending AuthenticationProcessingFilter... [Read More]
  • Wepsphere Portal with Multiple User Registries

    By Kenan Sevindik
    In our project, we employ the Websphere Portal product. Some of our users are defined in Active Directory and some others are defined in a relational database. As you may know, Websphere Portal has support for Active Directory as its user registry, but as we also have user definitions outside... [Read More]
  • Applet Life Cycle Issues in Internet Explorer

    By Kenan Sevindik
    In the previous blog entry, I had just mentioned about our server-side context sharing mechanism between an Applet and web pages in our GIS-enabled project. Users will try to accomplish their scenarios by using those two views. Obviously, there will be switches many times between them during the execution of... [Read More]
  • Context Sharing Between Applet and Web Application

    By Kenan Sevindik
    In our project, we need to provide some supporting GIS functionality via an Applet GUI to our web-based CRUD operations. Users, for example, may populate search criteria, entering input both from the web interface, like name pattern, date range, etc., and from Applet GUI, like selecting a specific region on... [Read More]
  • Notes and Pictures from JavaPolis 2005 – Part II

    By Kenan Sevindik
    ..Continued from Part I Thursday morning was opened with Stephan’s speech again, and continued with RAD Race results, into which 24 teams attended, and 19 of them were able to produce some sort of deliverable versions in just 12 hours. There were 3 distinct teams, honored as winners by the... [Read More]
  • Notes and Pictures from JavaPolis 2005 – Part I

    By Kenan Sevindik
    This year, I had a chance to attend JavaPolis 2005 in Antwerpen, Belgium with 3 of my colleagues. I want to provide day by day information about this year’s workouts, and other interesting happenings in my blog. This year’s activity had consisted mainly of University, Conference, BOF, Quicky sessions and... [Read More]
  • Context Sensitive Help For Web Applications

    By Kenan Sevindik
    Providing help topics relevant to current usage scenarios is a demanding requirement in today’s enterprise web applications. It is generally called as context-sensitive help. Those help systems should automatically navigate to relevant help topics in help windows according to the current business process, the current web page, or the currently... [Read More]