Configuring web.xml According to Target Deployment Platform

By Kenan Sevindik

It is a very common requirement to configure JEE web applications according to their current runtime environment. In JEE, the web.xml file is aimed to be the configuration unit of those web applications. Unfortunately, it is not designed with such a requirement in mind.

For example, we use JSF and Facelets in our current project. In the development environment, we need to turn on the debugging feature of Facelets but will turn it off when the target platform is the production environment.


Servlet containers provide a way to define some common elements in a global web.xml file and let individual applications inherit those common elements, but that’s it! It would be very nice to be able to bundle a WAR with more than one web.xml and choose the one which is appropriate for the current runtime environment. It would be even better if we could merge more than one web.xml file or override some elements defined in one web.xml with those defined in another.

The Java community has tried to develop several solutions to this old problem: “building or configuring web.xml according to the runtime environment”. SmartFrog has a good overview of those efforts. Each effort has its pros and cons. We have preferred generating web.xml using a template engine. However, maintaining a template and generating web.xml each time a modification occurs while working within an IDE makes me feel bad. It has a negative impact on development fluidness. I want to keep a single web.xml which is directly used during development and will be used as a template in order to generate an environment-specific web.xml file. We have come up with an idea while we were searching and discussing possible solutions. Let me illustrate it as follows;

    <param-value id="facelets.development">true</param-value>

We decided to use the id attribute of XML elements of which values need to be changed according to the target platform. We put an id attribute with the value “facelets.development” into the param-value element and define a property with the same name in a properties file for the target platform. All we need to do is write a postprocessor which will parse the web.xml file, replace the contents of those XML elements with id attributes with corresponding property values, and produce a new web.xml before deployment.

Let’s look at another case in which our approach works elegantly. If you don’t have an internet connection in one of your target environments and one of your libraries tries to process your web XML with Apache Digester, it will fail with a complaint that it cannot find or reach the web-app_2_4.xsd file over the internet.

<web-app id="WebApp_ID" version="2.4" xmlns=" xmlns:xsi="
xsi:schemaLocation="" >

In this case, our postprocessor finds out that the web-app XML element has an id, and there is a property with the same prefix in the properties file; as a result, it decides to replace the value of the attribute corresponding to the rest of that property name.

We can as well remove some XML elements out of the web.xml with this approach. For example, let’s assume your development environment is JBoss, and you use Apache MyFaces. In that case, you will need to tell JBoss that your application comes with its own JSF implementation in your web.xml as follows.

<context-param id="org.jboss.jbossfaces.WAR_BUNDLES_JSF_IMPL.render">

However, unless your production environment is JBoss, the above configuration element will do nothing except creating a mess. In order to remove it from the final web.xml file, we just need to add an id attribute with the value “org.jboss.jbossfaces.WAR_BUNDLES_JSF_IMPL.render”. Our postprocessor will remove that context-param XML element when it sees that there is a boolean property with a render suffix in the file.

In summary, generating web.xml with a template engine would be more flexible than this approach, but the above approach as well covers most of the platform-specific web.xml configuration requirements.

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